About Event


The introduction of technology has created no physical boundaries between the markets, the people, and the financial systems; during the end-of the first and the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, apart from the different geopolitical matters and issues, there is an evolution of the mass communication, social media, virtual assets, and technology-based financial inclusion among others.  Inevitably, the illegal activity and financial crime have equally increased in criticality and importance; the members of this illegal ecosystem and the legal prosecutors and Regulators have increased the efforts to identify and mitigated new emerging risks added on top of the long existing ones.

This program is design to address these emerging risks and provide an overview of those as well as the risk mitigation procedures that are currently in place worldwide.

Training Scope

The scope of the training program is to provide the participants with the detailed knowledge and the know-how Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Financing of Illicit Organizations, and other Financial Crime – including fraud – is identified, investigated, and ultimately reported to the Law Enforcement for further actions.

The training program includes both business and financial areas that are considered as legacy financial services provision, and new products and services provided by FinTech’s, Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs) and Designated Non-Banking Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs).


The Training Program Duration will be delivered over two (2) days and include both theoretical knowledge and practical examples to illustrate the principles.

Join us on 15th & 16th June 2023 ,Holidayinn Mumbai International Airport

Register Today

Key Topics to be Covered

Who Should Attend

C level executives CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Directors, Vice Presidents,
Heads, General Managers and Senior Managers of banking industry
with responsibilities of:
• Fraud prevenon & investigaon
• Internal audit
• Internal control
• Compliance and Corporate governance
• Legal and Risk management
• Anti-money laundering
• Operational risk
• Financial crime
• Credit management
• Cyber Digital Audit
• IT Security
• Business Continuity management
• Operations risk
• Treasuery
• Finance control.


Package Delegate Standard Rate
Hard Copy + Soft Copy of Training Material + Break fast + Luncheon + Evening refreshments Indian Clients 35000₹ + tax per delegate

*Additional GST of 18% is applicable.